Posts tagged subdivision
Is your section sub dividable under the new unitary plan?

The Unitary Plan rationalises the city's 99 old residential zones down to the following six:


* Single House - allows a single house on a single lot

* Mixed Housing Suburban - allows a mix of types of homes up to two storeys

* Mixed Housing Urban - allows a mix of housing types up to three storeys, and more density

* Terrace Housing and Apartment - allows for apartments from four to six storeys, and terraced houses

* Large Lot Residential - land that has physical or landscape constraints and is generally not serviced

* Rural and Coastal Settlement - applies to small rural and coastal villages, provides for single dwellings on a lot.

The Single House zone requires a minimum lot size of 600 square metres.
For site coverage allowances and information, click this link  Single House

The Mixed Housing Suburban zone encourages a mix of different types of homes of up to two storeys. For lots less than 1,000 square metres one dwelling will be permitted per 200 square metres net site area. There will be no density rules for lots larger than 1,000 square metres.
For site coverage allowances and information, click this link Mixed Housing Suburban

The Mixed Housing Urban zone will also provide for a mix of homes, but allows for more flexible density and heights of up to three storeys. No density rules will apply under this zone. For site coverage allowances and information, click this link Mixed Housing Urban

The Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings zone encourages the development of apartments ranging from four to six storeys in height, as well as terraced housing.  
For site coverage allowances and information, click this link Terraces and Apartments

The Large Lot Residential zone relates to land that is subject to physical or landscape constraints and is generally unserviced.  
For site coverage allowances and information, click this link Large Lot
